- first Waltz firstwaltz
- Boot Scootin’ Boogie bootscootin’boogie
- Your Man YOUR_MAN
- Jiffy Mixer JIFFY-MIXER
- Gold Digger GOLD-DIGGER
- Just a little Love JustALittleLove
- Louisiana strut louisiana-strut
- This little light this little light
- Western Barn Dance Wertern barn dance
- I4C Fun Push I4C-Fun-Push
- All About A Woman All-about-a-woman
- feeling-kinda-lonely feeling-kinda-lonely
- Don’t Really Matter Don’t-really-matter
- M’y Uptown Girl my uptown girl
- River Bank River Bank (Gail Smith
- Bandera-Partner Bandera-Partner
- Feeling Hot Feeling-hot
- Winter apple wintersapples
- The Boat to Liverpool THE BOAT TO LIVERPOOL Copy
- Coboy Yoddle song Cowboy_20yoddle_20song
- American Kids americainkids
- Enchantment enchantment
- Got To Be Funky got-to-be-funky
- Just a minute just a minute
- Mambo Shuffle mambo-shuffle
- Reggae cow boy REGGAE+COWBOW
- Long Long Way long_long_way
- Western Cha Cha western cha cha (P)
- Good Bye Monday goodbye-monday-MG
- Better times BETTER TIMES Copy
- Any Where ANYWHERE
- Strut strut
- BigBlueNote BigBlueNote*
- Country Girl Shake countrygirlshake
- Caught In The Act Caught_In_The_Act
- Love You Forever Love You Forever – FRENCH
- Why don’t we just dance Why don’t we just dance
- Quater After One Quarter_after_one
- Vertical expression vertical_expression
- Get your feet down Get your feet down
- This is me This-Is-Me
- Raggle taggle gypsy O Raggle-taggle-gypsy-O
- Watltzing at Twilight waltzing-at-twilight
- We are toinight We Are Tonight
- Bad Thingd ap96y-bad_things
- Cow Boy Dream cowboy_dreams
- Hooked on A Cha hooked-on-a-cha
- Down on the Corner down on thecorner
- Together Forever Together-forever
- slow-burn slow-burn
- Go mama go (voir archives)
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